Sustainability Target Setting

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New Agri-footprint FLAG version compliant to the SBTi FLAG Guidelines

Our data experts are always looking for ways to enrich Blonk's Agri-footprint database and keep it valuable for its users. Therefore, we are proud to announce a new version of Agri-footprint which complies with the Science Based Target initiative (SBTi) Forest Land and Agriculture Guidance (FLAG). Agri-footprint FLAG will help the increasingly large group of organizations which set FLAG targets in analyzing their Greenhouse Gas (GHG) inventory.


Science Based Target initiative launches Forest, Land and Agriculture guidelines

On September 28th the Science Based Target initiative (SBTi) launched the standard for companies in land-intensive sectors such as food, agriculture, and forestry. Almost 25% of global GHG emissions can be attributed to agricultural, forestry and other land use practices. The Forest, Land and Agricultural (FLAG) Science Based Target Setting Guidance provides a standard method for measuring these emissions, including land-related emissions and removals in line with the Paris Agreement.

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Mérieux NutriSciences | Blonk is an international leader in LCA, environmental and sustainability research in the agri-food sector, with 25+ years of experience.

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Footprint reduction

Setting science-based targets to reduce GHG emissions in the agri-food value chain. 

green and purple avocado fruit lot

Carbon footprint of Nature's Pride

Blonk carried out a CO2 baseline measurement (carbon footprint) for Nature's Pride, a company based in the Netherlands. Nature's Pride supplies 230 different fruit and vegetable products from 59 countries, including avocados, berries, ginger, and papayas. One of their aims is to make the world healthier and more sustainable. In pursuit of this aim, the company runs various projects on food packaging and food loss reduction. Nature's Pride also supports projects to improve living conditions in communities where they source their products. The results of our baseline study will help Nature's Pride understand how they can best reduce their CO2 emissions and set goals to achieve this.